• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

논문 상세

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

竹瀝枳朮丸의 메탄올추출 엑기스가 흰쥐의 전뇌허혈에 미치는 영향

Effects of Methanol Extract of Jukryukjichul-hwan?on Global Cerebral Ischemia of Rats

대한한의학회지 / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2006, v.27 no.2, pp.1-13
류지철 (동의대학교 부속한방병원)
김영균 (동의대학교)
권정남 (부산대학교)
  • 0다운로드 수
  • 215조회수


Objectives : Ischemic brain injury is a worldwide problem that often causes irreversible brain damage. Moreover, prevention of ischemic brain injury is more important than anything else, since after-effects of stroke significantly threat the quality of life. Jukryukjichul-Hwan (JRH) is an oriental medicinal formula for stroke patients in Korea. This study evaluated neuroprotective effects of methanol extract of JRH on global cerebral ischemia in the rats. Changes of the pyramidal neurons, Bax and TUNEL immuno-positive neurons in CA1 hipocampus were observed by using immunohistochemistry. Methods : Sprague-Dawley Rats induced temporal global cerebral ischemia (TGI) by occluding the bilateral common carotid artery with hypotension. The rats were divided into 3 groups. And we treated methanol extract of JRH to one group after operation, another group treated it before and after the operation. We observed Bax expressions inducing apoptosis of neurons and TUNEL-positive Pyramidal Neurons as an index of survival and apoptosis of pyramidal neurons in CA1 Hippocampus. Results : JRH treatment before and after TGI inhibited Bax expression in CA1 hippocampus. JRH treatment before and after TGI protected the cell death of pyramidal neurons in CA1 hippocampus. JRH treatment after TGI reduced the cell death of pyramidal neurons in CA1 hippocampus. JRH treatment before and after TGI reduced TUNEL-positive cells in CA1 hippocampus. Conclusion : These results suggest that JRH has a neuroprotective effect(by anti-apoptosis) against cerebral ischemia.

Jukryukjichul-hwan, temporal global ischemia (TGI), neuroprote ctive effect, Jukryukjichul-hwan, temporal global ischemia (TGI), neuroprote ctive effect

  • 0다운로드 수
  • 215조회수
  • 0KCI 피인용수
  • 0WOS 피인용수

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