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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

Two Ways to Reach the Perfected State of Unification with the Dao: Ethical Cultivation and Spiritual Cultivation of Daesoon Jinrihoe

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2021, v.1, pp.109-136
Jeong-rak Choi (Department of Edificatory Services, Daesoon Jinrihoe)
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Perfected state of unification with the Dao (道通眞境), one of the tenets in Daesoon Jinrihoe, signifies the earthly paradise in the Later World, which is Dao cohorts’ ideals and realizes the Dao of mutual beneficence at the same time. Perfected state of unification with the Dao refers to the ultimate paradise which Daesoon Jinrihoe aims for. Each devotee understands that this term presents the true stage, ‘sages enlightened to the Dao,’ through the Dao. The purpose of the Daesoon Jinrihoe order is expressed as the perfected state of unification with the Dao which embraces auspiciousness and fortune. Sangje Kang Jeungsan practiced saving humankind and divine beings from annihilation so that he led them to the paradise of the Later World with everlasting prosperity and blessings by performing the Reordering Works. In addition to that, Jeungsan had them reach the unification with the Dao through cultivation. This study aims to focus on the fact that the way to reach the perfected state of unification with the Dao is realized through ethical cultivation and spiritual cultivation. Those two ways co-exist as a useful path towards the perfected state of unification with the Dao and complement one another. They depict the true dharma of Daesoon Jinrihoe, which embraces the human duty based on social convention and its intrinsic characteristics. The method of ethical cultivation is a way on which human beings live in harmony and practice their duties. The method of spiritual cultivation is a way to protect and practice the true dharma which has been passed through the intention of Sangje Kang Jeungsan’s Great Itineration, the principle of Jo Jeongsan, and the teachings left by Park Wudang. This research apprehends that the reason for the two ways to reach the perfected state of unification with the Dao to co-exist takes root in the practice of Daesoon Jinri (Daesoon truth) through everyday life. The practice of Daesoon Jinri can be understood from the perspective of devotees, who realize Daesoon Jinri as ‘I am the Dao and the Dao is none other than I, myself (道卽我我卽道).’ However, the order of Daesoon Jinrihoe keeps in tune with society so that its true dharma spreads throughout the world from the perspective of the order in general. In the end, the practice of Daesoon Jinri integrates those two ways of ethical cultivation and spiritual cultivation into ‘one way.’ This one way maintains the intrinsic characteristic of the order and simultaneously helps accomplish the purpose which realizes the ideal world and humankind by communicating with society.

perfected unification with the Dao, unification with the Dao, ethical cultivation, spiritual cultivation, true dharma, reason, practice

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Journal of Daesoon Studies