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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

Ecological Reason and Integral Ecology in Daesoon Thought

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2021, v.1, pp.67-83
Nam-jin Heo (Wonkwang University)
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This paper maintains its focus on the mutual beneficence of Daesoon thought as the ideology in global crisis wherein all beings are threatened. In other words, the recent global crisis due to ecological destroy has to re-establish the relationship with human and other nonhuman. At the point of time when the change of worldview and model of new relationship are sought, mutual beneficence and reciprocation of favors in Daesoon thought are ecological thought and practical ethics in this global crisis. The Reordering Works of the universe (天地公事) of Kang Jeungsan aiming for the principle of resolution of grievance for mutual beneficence are an idea which lies on which all beings including human beings and divine beings, human beings and human beings, human beings and nature are built up upon the relationship in mutual beneficence, not the one in mutual contention. Mutual beneficence is life-peace. Mutual beneficence of Daesoon thought embraces the meaning of mutual life-giving. In this regard, it is interpreted as the relationship of mutual beneficence-giving and receiving. Thus, mutual beneficence is expanded to practical ethics, reciprocation of favors. Especially, considering that the heaven and earth is a being that gives all beings life, lifespan, prosperity, and blessings, the stress for reciprocation of favors from the heaven and earth can be essential practice of ethics in Anthropocene. This research focuses the characteristics of integral ecology. That is to say, human beings and human beings, and human beings and the natural world mutually give life. In this context, mutual beneficence is characterized by integral ecology. Kang Jeungsan insisted on the thought of mutual beneficence in order to liberate human beings and nature. Accordingly, mutual beneficence can be interpreted as the ethics of Earth-Peace of the Earth community including earth, humans and nonhuman. In this sense, ‘mutual beneficence’ is the Earth-Peace theory for the three realms-the heaven, the earth, and humanity.

Daesoon thought, Kang Jeungsan, resolution of grievance for mutual beneficence, great beneficence, reciprocation of favors of the heaven and earth, integral ecology

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Journal of Daesoon Studies