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New Korean records of two amoeboid protozoa (Protist); Vannella bursella and Pseudoparamoeba sp.

Journal of Species Research / Journal of Species Research, (E)2713-8615
2016, v.5 no.3, pp.381-384
Won Je Lee (Department of Urban Environmental Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 51767, Republic of Kore)
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Two marine amoebae Vannella bursella (Page, 1974) Smirnov et al., 2007 and Pseudoparamoeba sp. were encountered from marine coastal waters of Masan Bay and Garorim Bay (Korea), respectively. These species are described with uninterpreted records based on light-microscopy of living cells and reported taxonomically for the first time from Korea. Diagnostics of these species are as follows. Vannella bursella: size in vivo, 17-29 μm long with flattened ovoid, semicircular locomotive forms. Pseudoparamoeba sp.: size in vivo, 10-15 μm long with elongated locomotive forms, producing a few short conical pseudopodia from anterior hyaline zone.

Amoebozoa, Discosea, Pseudoparamoeba, Vannella bursella, Vexillifera



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Journal of Species Research