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Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robot Using Reinforcement Learning in Virtual Environment

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2021, v.7 no.4, pp.29-34


In order to apply reinforcement learning to a robot in a real environment, it is necessary to use simulation in a virtual environment because numerous iterative learning is required. In addition, it is difficult to apply a learning algorithm that requires a lot of computation for a robot with low-spec. hardware. In this study, ML-Agent, a reinforcement learning frame provided by Unity, was used as a virtual simulation environment to apply reinforcement learning to the obstacle collision avoidance problem of mobile robots with low-spec hardware. A DQN supported by ML-Agent is adopted as a reinforcement learning algorithm and the results for a real robot show that the number of collisions occurred less then 2 times per minute.

Mobile Robot, Reinforcement Learning, ML-Agent, 모바일로봇, 강화학습, ML-agent



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society