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A study on the development of IoT-based middle school SW·AI education contents

Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society / Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society, (P)2799-4791;
2022, v.8 no.6, pp.21-26


This study aims to enhance the cultivation of SWㆍAI basic competencies of middle school students by forming and distributing SWㆍAI education programs for middle school students who form the basis of their lives. In addition, by planning SWㆍAI education programs in connection with the regular curriculum, it is intended to serve as a cornerstone for the public education of SWㆍAI education that will be implemented from 2025. To this end, the concept of SW and AI in middle school was first defined and a plan to link software/artificial intelligence learning factors to the regular curriculum was proposed, and based on this, SWㆍAI education programs for middle school students were prepared. Based on literature research, the understanding of artificial intelligence technology, the value of data, and the use of artificial intelligence technology in real life were set as SWㆍAI education contents, and educational programs were organized by linking them with the current middle school curriculum. All SWㆍAI education was organized in the form of practice rather than theory so that classes could be conducted centered on participants, and the purpose of the course was to cultivate the ability to use artificial intelligence technology in real life based on understanding artificial intelligence technology.

middle school, SW∙AI education, Regular curriculum linkage, SW∙AI education learning elements, Participant-centered classe, 중학교, SW∙AI 교육, 정규교육과정 연계, SW·AI 교육 학습 요소, 참여자 중심 수업



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Journal of The Korea Internet of Things Society