open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
A study was made to find out most frequent MMPI code types and behavioral correlates for each of them utilizing Gilberstadt and Duker's check-list form. Subjects were 106 psychiatric inpatients(40 males and 66 females) hospitalized in psychiatric units of two general hospitals attached to medical school and one private psychiatric clinic in Seoul area from June of 1977 to August of 1983. Chi-square was used to confirm statistical significance of checked items in the check-list compared with the base rate of the total patients. 1. The most frequent MMPI code types were found to be 1-3(3-1), 1-8(8-1), 6-8(8-6), 6-9(9-6), 7-8(8-7) and 9 types. 2. 1-3(3-1) type: Diagnosis: Hysterical neurosis; depression Clinical features: headache, neckpain & throat complaints, dizziness, epigastric complants, numbness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, back pain, dyspnea, respiratory complaints; mother physically ill. ; religious, with religious conflict. 3. 1-8(8-1) type: Diagnosis: Not definite Clinical features; suicidal preoccupation, suicidal attempt; immature. 4. 6-8(8-6) type: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Clinical features: paranoid trend, suspicious, speech difficulty; disturbed by relatives. 5. 6-9(9-6) type: Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Clinical features: elated mood, talkative, assaultive, grandiose delusion, hypertension; father religious, mother strict. 6. 7-8(8-7) type: Diagnosis: Personality disorder; schizophrenia Clinical features: unworthiness feeling; conflict with parent 7. 9 type: Diagnosis: Personality disorder; schizophrenia Clinical features: hostile, emotional instability, evasive, defensive, hyperactive, heavy drinking, poor work adjustment, visual hallucination; father deserted. 8. Since there are many points that do not agree with the results from other authors in terms of clinical features and diagnosis, further replication studies is highly needed.