open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this experiment, the relationship between defense mode manifested in R-S scale and the effect of emotionality of stimulus to perception was explored by the prime-probe method of the theory of information processing. Subjects were to make lexical decision to word or nonword probe, which followed the related or the nonrelated picture prime. SOA of prime-probe was 300 msec and picture prime was delayed in range of 60~70% identification (Blum, 1979). It is resumed by 2 hypotheses. I) To anxious stimulus, repressors will show associative delay effect and sensitizers will show associative facilitation effect. II) To neutral stimulus, repressors and sensitizers will show associative facilitation effect. Hypothesis I was accepted. Therefore, it can be said that the defense mode of repression and sensitization operate selectively to anxious stimulus in range of 60~70% identification. Selective attention and selective inattention was proposed as describing these phenomena. But hypothesis II was rejected. The implication of this result need more investigation.