open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The following are the results of interviews and psychological tests including SCT and paper Sculpture applied to 73 schizophrenic in-and outpatients and their families. It was found out that patients were looked after by different family members according to whether or not they were in hospital. In case of outpatients all of them were looked after by their parents, while inpatients were looked after more likely by their siblings than by their patents. There were many protracted inpatients who were continuing to stay in hospital due to family reasons. There existed a significant positive relationship between patients' emotional stability and their families'. The families of outpatients were emotionally more stable than those of inpatients. Patients' behaviors which their families found it very difficult to cope with before they were hospitalized were analyzed into two patterns: social withdrawal symptoms such as inactivity and refusal of meal and social embarrassing symptoms such as act of violence. It was observed that such social withdrawal symptoms were the main reasons why the families of inpatients hesitated to get the patients out of hospital.