open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This preliminary study attempted to standardize the Korean version of DSFI that seems to be useful to diagnosis of sexual dysfunction. For the purpose of this study, 351 adults were selected and based on their responses, verification of reliability and validity was carried out. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate the internal consistency of the inventory. The internal consistency coefficients of each of the subscales ranged from .49 to .97. Overall, internal consistency reliability was good for the Korean version of the DSFI. To accomplish verification of construct validity of the DSFI, principal components factor analysis on the pooled data from 351 subjects was conducted, with repetitions followed by varimax rotation. Six interpretable factors were derived from the analysis which accounted for 62 percent of the variance in the matrix. These are "appropriate heterosexual relationship", "psychological distress", "autoeroticism", "sex role", "sexual precociousness" and "sexual repression". To accomplish verification of predictive validity of the DSFI, statistical evaluation of the differences in SFI, GSSI, and subtest scores were conducted for males and females separately. In males tire comparision were among the three groups which included nonpatient normals, nonpatient sexual difficulty complainants, sexual dysfunctions. In females the comparisions were between nonpatient normals and nonpatient sexual difficulty complaints. In view of the results, significant differences among the three groups in the males were observed. Females, on the other hand, do not reveal as many significant distinctions between the two groups. Finally, the limits of this study and several issues for following ones were discussed.