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Joonhee Lee(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) ; Byungjoo Kim(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) (pp.49-52)
Thi Thanh Huong Tran(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science, University of Science and Technology) ; Ji-Seon Jeong(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science, University of Science and Technology) (pp.53-58)
Sun Young Lee(Kyung Hee University) ; Kwonseong Kim(Sogang University) ; Han Bin Oh(Sogang University) ; Jongki Hong(Kyung Hee University) ; Dukjin Kang(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) (pp.59-64)
Sunwoong Son(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) ; Byungjoo Kim(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) ; Soenghee Ahn(Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science) (pp.65-68)
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Mass Spectrometry Letters