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Kyung Hwan Jeong(Pohang University of Science and Technology) ; Seung Koo Shin(Pohang University of Science and Technology) (pp.9-12)
Kyu Hwan Park(Korea Basic Science Institute) ; Kyo Joong Yoon(Korea Basic Science Institute) ; Kyung-Hoon Kwon(Korea Basic Science Institute) ; Hyun Sik Kim(Korea Basic Science Institute) (pp.13-16)
Jong Ho Park(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ; Inhee Choi(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ; Kyuseok Song(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) (pp.17-20)
Eun Sun Ji(Korea Basic Science Institute,Hannam University) ; Mi Hee Cheon(Korea Basic Science Institute,Yonsei University) ; Ju Yeon Lee(Korea Basic Science Institute,) ; Jong Shin Yoo(Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungnam National University) ; Hyun-Jin Jung(Agilent technologies Korea Ltd.) ; Jin Young Kim(Korea Basic Science Institute) (pp.21-24)
Kun Cho(Korea Basic Science Institute, Sogang University) ; Gun Wook Park(Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungnam National University) ; Jin Young Kim(Korea Basic Science Institute) ; Sang Kwang Lee(Korea Basic Science Institute) ; Han Bin Oh(Sogang University) ; Jong Shin Yoo(Korea Basic Science Institute, Chungnam National University) (pp.25-28)
Su Hyeon Lee(Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Yonsei University) ; Man Ho Choi(Korean Institute of Science and Technology) ; Won-Yong Lee(Yonsei University) ; Bong Chul Chung(Korea Institute of Science and Technology) (pp.29-32)
Sunyoung Lee(Chungnam National University) ; Jinhee Kim(Chungnam National University) ; Hyo-Jik Yang(Chungnam National University) ; Seongjae Shin(Chungnam National University) ; Jangmi Hong(Chungnam National University) ; Jeongkwon Kim(Chungnam National University) (pp.33-36)
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Mass Spectrometry Letters