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The Review of Korean Studies

The Issue of Healing War Wounds Viewed from Two Sides: Through Korean and Vietnamese Literary Works

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2017, v.20 no.1, pp.93-115
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Vietnam and Korea established official foreign relations in 1992. For more than 20 years, the Vietnam-Korea cooperation relationship has been ceaselessly developing and now attains a level of “Strategic Partnership.” Looking forward to a happy future, the two nations have to try to close a sad past when more than 320,000 Korean soldiers participated in the American war in Vietnam. Korean and Vietnamese post-war literary works have contributed significantly to building a bridge for the two nations to getting closer, becoming more mutual understanding. This paper focuses on Korean and Vietnamese literary works on war wounds in Vietnam with regard to Korean participation.The issue is approached from thematic criticism and comparative study.

Korean participation in Vietnam War, Korean literature, Vietnamese literature, post-war literature, East Asian discourse, literature and healing war sorrows



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The Review of Korean Studies