- P-ISSN 2586-0755
- E-ISSN 2799-8444
This study was designed to examine the effects of the 1:1 coaching program that was implemented to improve the business performance, coaching behaviors, and self-determination of the franchisees. Participants were 12 franchisees of the franchise company F in Seoul, 5 for the experimental group, and 6 for the control group. The coaching lasted 80 minutes once a week for the 7 sessions. Data were collected across three times(pre, post, follow-up), The follow-up test was administered one month after the final coaching. Results showed that There was an interaction effect between time interval(pre vs post) and groups(experiment vs control) for only business performance. There were non significant effects of time interval(post and follow-up) for all the dependent variables, confirming the duration of the program effect across time. Finally, implications and limitations of the study were discussed.
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