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ISSN : 0376-4672
We investigated whether fluoride varnishes recover the hardness of bovine teeth under 20 days of demineralization/ remineralization cycling. The fluoride varnish groups (two commercial fluoride varnishes [V-varnish (Vericom, Korea) and CavityShield (3M ESPE, USA)] and an experimental fluoride varnish including 5 wt.% NaF were compared with a control group without fluoride varnish. Vickers hardness was measured at baseline, 3 days after immersion in caries-inducing solution, 24 hours after application of a fluoride varnish, and after 10 and 20 days of demineralization/remineralization cycling. Afterward, tooth surfaces were observed by scanning electron microscope. After fluoride varnish application and the cycling 10 and 20 days, the experimental varnish group showed the highest hardness, while the CavityShield and the control groups demonstrated the lowest hardness. The experimental varnish group recovered the hardness of the baseline at 24 hours after application of the varnish, while it was recovered after 20 days of the cycling in case of the V-varnish. However, the CavityShield and the control groups did not recover the hardness even after 20 days of the cycling. The experimental fluoride varnish with fast recovery in the hardness of the baseline can be used as an effective fluoride varnish to resist demineralization and to facilitate remineralization.
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