open access
메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Purpose: To examine the current status and limitations of several healthcare platform cases and develop effective content and models for a public oral health platform through a survey of dentists. Methods: Survey on public platforms was conducted on 362 dentists belonging to the Gyeonggi Dental Association. The survey questions consisted of 4 questions on awareness of recent issues related to platforms, 4 questions on the need for platforms, and 9 questions on essential content for public platforms. Results: In the survey, 77.9% of dentists recognized the importance of public platforms. The main features that should be included in public platforms are "student oral examination function" and "dentist locator function". And 84.3% of respon dents answer they would be willing to use a platform with these features. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the need for active participation in public platforms to offset the drawbacks of private platforms.
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