- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Background & Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the change of dominant power with observation of gastric myoelectrical activity and its parameter linkage in electrogastrography. Methods: electrogastrgraphy was performed on total of 123 subjects (113 patients with functional dyspepsia, 10 healthy controls) for 30 min in fasting state and 50 min in postprandial state. Average myoelectrical activity per frequency and accumulated electrical activity of 5 min duration in each bradygastria, normogastria, and tachygastria were measured at the moment of frequency switchover of slow wave. Assumed parameter linkage were also investigated among dominant frequency, % of normal regularity, and dominant power(or power ratio). Results: Average myoelectrical activity per frequency was highest in bradygastria (mean 1.10-1.47 Volt/s), next highest in normogastria(mean 0.50-0.82 Volt/s), and lowest in tachygastria(mean 0.44-0.47 Volt/s). Average accumulated myoelectrical activity was highest in normogastria (mean 114.90-126.29 Volt/s.s), next highest in tachygastria(mean 71.02-90.00 Volt/s.s), and lowest in bradygastria(mean 12.93-51.94 Volt/s.s). Significance of parameter linkages were noted in dominant frequency (p< 0.01) and in % of normal regularity (p< 0.01), but not in dominant power in case of frequency shift from bradygastria to normogastria (p=0.376). Conclusion: Dominant power is not a parameter that reflect the gastric myoelectrical activity related with only gastric contraction. Bradygastric dominant power does not follow the inter-parameter linkage of electrogastrography for gastric motility assessment.Key wards - EGG(electrogastrography), bradycardia, tachycardia,DF(dominant frequency) DP(dominant power)Key wardsEGG(electrogastrography), DP(dominant power), parameter linkage