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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

A Study on the Percentage of Body Fat and Abdominal Obesity of Workers Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2008, v.29 no.3, pp.113-123

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Objectives:Obesity is chronic condition which can severely influence health. People with a high percentage of body fat (%BF) have high prevalence of hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Abdominal obesity (AO) seems to play a major role in the development of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hyperlipidemia. This study investigated the %BF and AO of workers in the automobile manufacturing industry. Methods: The subjects were categorized by sex, age, job class, drinking history and smoking history. %BF and AO were measured by using bioelectrical impedance analysis (Jawon Medical, Seoul, Korea). We analyzed the relationship between age, sex, job class, drinking history, smoking history and %BF and WHR into frequencies, χ2-test using the SPSS Ver. 12.0. Results:Regarding the relationship between sex and %BF, AO, there was statistically significant difference as men had a significant higher level of %BF and AO than women. There was a positive correlation between age and both %BF and AO. Workers in their 40s especially ran level of AO up. In job class, office workers were apt to have a higherlevel of %BF and AO than production line workers. %BF and AO of the non-drinker group showed a lower level than the drinker group. On the other hand, the ex-smoker group had higher levels of %BF and AO than the non-smoker or current-smoker groups. Conclusions:The above results showed that men, the advanced in years, office workers, drinkers and ex-smokers had high levels of %BF and AO.

percentage body fat (%BF), abdominal obesity (AO), bioelectrical impedance



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