ISSN : 2233-8292
Since the Daegu subway fire accident, people’s perception of safety has increased, and all materials inside the train have been changed to incombustible materials. However, there is still a lack of development of fire extinguishing systems. Train components are mostly made of steel plates, and therefore it is very difficult to extinguish the train fire by using general fire extinguishing equipment. In this regard, this paper investigated rapid and easy methods of extinguishing the train fire by using compressed air foam systems through full-scale fire tests. To extinguish the fire of train at rescue station, window breakers were used to quickly destroy the train windows, and the compressed air foam system was inserted inside the train. As a result, the train windows were destroyed in 5 seconds, and the 11.88-MW fire was put out in 30 seconds by the compressed air foam discharged from the compressed air foam system inserted inside the train. For the future work, there is a need for further experimental studies to prevent the spread of fire and protect tunnel structures with the use of compressed air foam systems.
Fire safety criteria of Foam fire extinguishing system (NFSC 105) National Fire Agency Notice #2017-1 (2017.07.26.).
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