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Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology / Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology, (E)2586-6036
2020, v.3 no.3, pp.1-13
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Human resource management has always been the most important part of any organization (corporate and government-owned). Until whenever improvement in human resource management is always the background of every problem that occurs in the organization. This study aims to examine the relationship of procedural justice and organizational commitment to OCB satisfaction and job satisfaction in the Public Works Office of Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Sampling involved the entire population, i.e. 109 informants. They are employees who have goods and services certificates. Hypothesis test carried out with the SEM-PLS model in two stages (outer model and inner model). After that, the survey data was used SMART PLS 3.0. Based on empirical findings, we find that procedural justice has a positive and significant effect on OCB, while organizational commitment does not. Procedural justice, organizational commitment, and OCB have had a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. The novelty of the study lies in the originality value that describes the conditions in a government agency with different benchmarks (variables and indicators) from previous studies, so it is very interesting and varied.

Procedural justice, Organizational commitment, OCB, Job satisfaction, SEM-PLS

Journal of Wellbeing Management and Applied Psychology