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Virtual Organizations in Korea

Korea Journal / Korea Journal, (P)0023-3900; (E)2733-9343
2003, v.43 no.3, pp.116-138

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A virtual organization is a group of legally separate organizations that act as though they are one. The success of a virtual organization heavily depends on its ability to manage a massive information flow throughout its business partners. Today’s corporations cannot be characterized as either virtual organizations or non-virtual organizations, but they can be characterized as organizations which have different degree of virtuality. This paper attempts to explain virtuality of Korean corporations by examining e-businesses, particularly the B2B e-business. Although the user population of high-speed Internet service is growing quickly in Korea, most users use the Internet for entertainment or personal needs, rather than for work. The Internet usage rate of Korean corporations in enhancing their productivity is relatively low. Especially in the areas of B2B e-business, such as B2B e-marketplaces and SCM (Supply Chain Management), the usage rate is even worse. This paper examines Korean corporations’ virtuality associated with e-marketplaces and SCM and suggests a roadmap of e-marketplaces and SCM.

virtual organizations, virtuality, Internet business, B2B ebusiness, e-marketplace, SCM

Korea Journal