ISSN : 0023-3900
Any understanding of contemporary Korean society would not be com-plete without some knowledge of its religious culture. Just as Bud-dhism, Taoism, and Confucianism made important inroads in tradi-tional Korea, Protestant Christianity (particularly in its Pentecostalform), with its remarkable success story in Asia, has become exceeding-ly influential in modern Korea. Focusing on the elective affinitybetween neoliberal globalization and experiential spiritualities such asneo-Pentecostalism, I focus on some aspects of generalized Pentecostalbeliefs and practices within Korea in this paper. I then discuss the caus-es, strengths, and weaknesses of the pentecostalization of Koreanchurches in order to clarify the role of Korean Christianity in worldChristianity and in global society. In the conclusion, I address the fol-lowing questions: How can we understand the growth of Korean neo-Pentecostal Christianity under globalization? What might be the futureof Korean Protestant Christianity?
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