ISSN : 0023-3900
This research conducts a comparative analysis of the structure and characteristics of Taiwan and Joseon’s legislation systems under Japan’s colonial rule, which aims to examine the formation process and characteristics of this legislative power. Taiwan’s legislation system during the Japanese colonial period is represented by Article 63 of Law enacted in 1896, which weakened parliamentary procedures in Taiwan and ensured the dictatorial power of the Japanese Governor-General in Taiwan. The model of Japan’s colonial rule in Taiwan was introduced to Joseon. Katsura and Terauchi, who led Japan’s annexation of Korea, modified the model in ways that strengthened the governor’s political authority without interference from the Imperial Diet. They enacted a permanent law that delegated the legislative power of Joseon to the Governor-General of Joseon and considerably simplified legislative procedures. As a result, there were no institutional foundations in Joseon that could prevent the governor’s dictatorial power. In conclusion, the system of Japan’s colonial rule in Joseon became the institutional foundation that led to the authoritative and dictatorial characteristics of the Japanese colonial administration.
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