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The Understanding of Yun Dong-ju in Three East Asian Countries

Korea Journal / Korea Journal, (P)0023-3900; (E)2733-9343
2012, v.52 no.3, pp.201-225

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This study analyzes how three countries of East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea) understands Yun Dong-ju (1917-1945) and recognizes his historical significance, as well as suggests the future directions in interpreting his works. In Japan, Yun is understood as a poet singing innocent sentiment, ethical existence, and universal love for all mankind. The emphasis on future values and the refusal to read his poetry located in a particular time and space, however, denies the historicity of the three nations. For ethnic Koreans in China, Yun is an originator of historical text within which their ethnicity vitally exists. This perspective also leads to overlooking historical and geopolitical characteristics of Yun’s poetry. In South Korea, Yun is placed at the center of nationalism with a postcolonial view; however, there has been a recent movement to comprehend Yun without associating political ideologies. Each nation’s reading of Yun seems to eliminate or simplify multilayered traits of East Asian history and culture embedded in his poetry. This lack of historical awareness impedes the future generation’s introspection of the past when recalling and regenerating Yun. Therefore, the text of Yun Dong-ju that lives in the past, present, and future of East Asian history, requires us to read it responsibly.

Yun Dong-ju, East Asia, Korean poet, ethnic Koreans in China, imperialism, Japanese colonial era



Cho, Seong-Il, Kwon Cheol, et al. 1997. Jungguk joseonjeok munhak tongsa(Literary History of Korean Chinese Ethnic Group). Seoul: Ihoe Munhwasa.


Choi, Won-Sik. 2010. “21 segi dongasia-reul barabomyeo: wae gyocha-haneun tekseuteu-inga?” (Facing East Asia of the 21st Century: Why Is the Crossed Text?” In Gyocha-haneun tekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia), edited by Choi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Heo, Jung. 2009. “Yun Dong-ju si-ui jeongjeonhwa-wa minjokjuui jipyeong neomgi” (Canonization and Horizon of Nationalism of Yun Dong-ju’s Poetry). Eomun ronchong (Journal of Korean Language and Literature) 51 (December).


Ibaraki, Noriko 茨木のり子. 2010. Hangeul-roui yeohaeng (Travel to Korean). Translated by Park Seon Yeong. Seoul: Ddeuindol. Originally published as 『ハングルへの旅』(Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha, 1986).


Kim, Eunggyo. 2009. “Ilbon-eseoui Yun Dong-ju insik” (The Understanding of Yun Dong-ju in Japan). Hanguk munhak iron-gwa bipyeong (Korean Literary Theory and Criticism) 43 (June).


Kim, Ho-Woong. 2005. “Byeol-eul noraehan siin Yun Dong-ju” (Yun Dongju, a Poet Singing Stars). In Collection of Yun Dong-ju Literary Award manuscripts, edited by the Committee of Ethnic Chinese Koreans’ Middle Schoolers.


Kim, Hyeok. 2010. “Diaspora-ui hwaja-Yun Dong-ju” (A Speaker of Diaspora, Yun Dong-ju). Adong munhak pyeongnon (Criticism of Korea Children’s Literature) 35.3.


Kim, Jinhee. 2007. “Yun Dong-ju-ui jeohangsi ihae-wa gyoyuk bangan yeongu” (Understanding and Teaching Resistant Poems of Yun Dong-ju). Hanguk sihak yeongu (Korean Poetics Studies) 18.


Kim, Shin Jung. 2009. “Ilbon sahoe-wa Yun Dong-ju-ui gieok” (The Memory of Yun Dong-ju in the Japanese Society). Hanguk munhak iron-gwa bipyeong (Korean Literary Theory and Criticism) 43 (June).


Kinoshita, Nagahiro 木下長宏, Mitsuhiro Inukai 犬養光博, et al. 1998. “Yun Dongju- ron-eul wihan negae-ui dansang” (The Four Poetry for Yun Dong-ju). In Ilbon jiseongindeul saranghaneun Yun Dong-ju (Yun Dong-ju, the Most Beloved Poet by Japanese Intellectuals), translated by Ko Keyeong. Seoul: Minyedang. Originally published as 『死ぬ日まで天を仰ぎ: キリスト者詩 人尹東柱』(Tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Shuppan Kyoku, 1995).


Kontani, Nobuko 紺谷延子, Naoki Mizuno 水野直樹, and Ikuo Anzai .2011. 「詩人尹東柱記憶と和解の碑建立運動の現と開示裁判資料の意味」(Japanesecitizen’s Movement to Build a Monument of Korean Poet Yun Dong-juWho Died in Prison during the Wartime against Japan and the Significanceof Rediscovery of the Text of Sentence). 『立命館平和硏究』(PeaceStudy of Ritsumeikan University) 12: 11-25.


Kwon, Cheol. 2006. Jungguk joseon minjok munhak: geunhyeondae pyeon(Chinese Koreans’ Ethnic Literature in Modern and Contemporary Era).Paju: Korean Studies Information.


Lee, Soo-Kyeong. 2010. 「平和主義者山本宣治と中西伊之助: 尹東柱がした追憶と平和の記憶より」(Senji Yamamoto and Inosuke Nakanishi: Two Pacifists WhoWere Brought Up in Uji: Memory of the Peace that Yun Dong-ju Left).『立命館産業社會論集』(Ritsumeikan Review of Industrial Society) 46.1 (June):105-122.


Liang, Mei Shun 榮美順. 2009. 「尹東柱作品的數散硏究」(An Approach of ‘Diaspora’ in the Yun Dong-ju’s Works). Master’s thesis, Yanbian University.


Lim, Yeon. 1993. “Gohyang-i naeun siin, Yun Dong-ju” (Yun Dong-ju Born from Yanji, Hometown). Munye undong (Literary Movement) 49: 18-27.


McCann, David. 2004. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press.


Meng, Ying 孟穎. 2011. 「對尹東柱詩中所體現的故鄕意識的考察」(Studies on Consciousness of Hometown Represented in Yun’s Poetry). 『華章』(Magnificent Writing) 34.


Morita, Susumu 森田進, Mitsuhiro Inugai 養光博, et al. 1998. “Yun Dong-ju, geu gidokkyo jeongsin” (Yun Dong-ju, His Christian Spirit). In Ilbon jiseongindeul- i saranghaneun Yun Dong-ju (Yun Dong-ju, the Most Beloved Poet by Japanese Intellectuals), translated by Ko Keyeong. Seoul: Minyedang. Originally published as 『死ぬ日まで天を仰ぎ: キリスト者詩人尹東柱』(Tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Shuppan Kyoku, 1995).


Morita, Susumu 森田進, Mitsuhiro Inugai 養光博, et al_. 2005. 「尹東柱の位置と再評—東アジアが生んだ倫理的な情詩人」(The Position and Re-evaluation of Yun Dong-ju: An Ethical, Lyric Poet Born from East Asia). 『福音と世界』(World of Lyricism) (February).


Oh, Saeyoung. 1995. “Yun Dong-ju-ui si-neun jeohangsi-inga” (Yun Dong-ju’s Poems Are Resistant Ones?). In Yun Dong-ju yeongu (A Study of Yun Dong-ju), edited by Kwon Yeong-Min. Seoul: Moonji Publishing.


Omura, Masuo 大村益夫. 2001. Yun Dong-ju-wa hanguk munhak (Yun Dong-ju and Korean Literature). Seoul: Somyong Press.


Saegusa, Toshikatsu 三枝壽勝. 2000. Saegusa gyosu-ui hanguk munhak yeongu(Professor Saegusa’s Korean Literature Study). Translated by Shim Won-Seop. Seoul: Bettlebook.


Sakamoto, Yoshikazu 坂本義和. 2010. “21 segi-e dongasia-ga ganneun uimi”(The Meaning of East Asia Community in the 21st Century). In Gyochahaneuntekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia), edited byChoi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Sheng, Hui 盛輝. 2007. 「詩人尹東柱和他的《序詩》」(Poet Yun Dong-ju and His Poem“Foreword”). 『吉林華僑外國語學院學报』(Journal of Jillin Huaqiao ForeignLanguages Institute) (February).


Sun, Ge 孫歌. 2003. Asia-raneun sayu gonggan (Asia, Space for Thinking). Translated by Ryu Joon-Pil. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Sun, Ge 孫歌. 2010. “Naha-eseo sanghai-ro: Lu Xun-gwa Takeuchi Yoshimi saieso”(From Naha to Shanghai: Between Lu Xun and Takeuchi Yoshimi).In Gyocha-haneun tekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia),edited by Choi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Ueno, Jun 上野潤. 1997. 「尹東柱論-その後期詩編を中心に」(Focusing on the late poetry). In 『星うたう詩人: 尹東柱の詩と硏究』(The Study of Yun Dong-ju: A Poet Singing Stars). Tokyo: Sangokan.


Yang, Dong-kook. 2009. “Ibaraki Noriko-wa hanguk” (Noriko Ibaraki and Korea). Ilboneo gyoyuk (Japanese Education) 49.


Yim, Choon-Sung. 2010. “Dongasia-ui jeongcheseong hyeongseong, jangae-wa chulgu” (Finding Identities of East Asia: Obstacles and Breakthrough). In Gyocha-haneun tekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia), edited by Choi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Yoon, Yeo-Il. 2010. “Dongasia-raneun mureum” (East Asia as a Question). Hwanghae munhwa (Hwanghae Culture) 69.


Yun, Dong-ju. 1984. 『空と風と星と詩: 尹東柱全詩集』(Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poems). Translated by Ibuki Ko 伊吹鄕. Tokyo: Kageshobo.


Yun, Dong-ju. 2004. 『空と風と星と詩: 尹東柱詩集』(Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poems). Translated by Kim Si-Jong. Osaka: Mozukosha.


Yu, Jiang. 2010. “Hanjung sugyo-wa jungguk joseonjok munhak” (Diplomatic Normalization between Korea and China and Korean Chinese Literature). Bipyeong munhak (Literary Criticism) 36.


Zhang, Chun Zhi 張春植. 2010. 「與星對話: 朝鮮族現代詩人尹東柱與他的詩」(A Conversation with Stars: Contemporary Poet Yun Dong-ju in Korean Chinese Ethnic Group and His Poetry World). 『民族文學硏究』(Studies of Ethnic Literature) (April).


Cho, Seong-Il, Kwon Cheol, et al. 1997. Jungguk joseonjeok munhak tongsa(Literary History of Korean Chinese Ethnic Group). Seoul: Ihoe Munhwasa.


Choi, Won-Sik. 2010. “21 segi dongasia-reul barabomyeo: wae gyocha-haneun tekseuteu-inga?” (Facing East Asia of the 21st Century: Why Is the Crossed Text?” In Gyocha-haneun tekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia), edited by Choi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Heo, Jung. 2009. “Yun Dong-ju si-ui jeongjeonhwa-wa minjokjuui jipyeong neomgi” (Canonization and Horizon of Nationalism of Yun Dong-ju’s Poetry). Eomun ronchong (Journal of Korean Language and Literature) 51 (December).


Ibaraki, Noriko 茨木のり子. 2010. Hangeul-roui yeohaeng (Travel to Korean). Translated by Park Seon Yeong. Seoul: Ddeuindol. Originally published as 『ハングルへの旅』(Tokyo: Asahi Shimbunsha, 1986).


Kim, Eunggyo. 2009. “Ilbon-eseoui Yun Dong-ju insik” (The Understanding of Yun Dong-ju in Japan). Hanguk munhak iron-gwa bipyeong (Korean Literary Theory and Criticism) 43 (June).


Kim, Ho-Woong. 2005. “Byeol-eul noraehan siin Yun Dong-ju” (Yun Dongju, a Poet Singing Stars). In Collection of Yun Dong-ju Literary Award manuscripts, edited by the Committee of Ethnic Chinese Koreans’ Middle Schoolers.


Kim, Hyeok. 2010. “Diaspora-ui hwaja-Yun Dong-ju” (A Speaker of Diaspora, Yun Dong-ju). Adong munhak pyeongnon (Criticism of Korea Children’s Literature) 35.3.


Kim, Jinhee. 2007. “Yun Dong-ju-ui jeohangsi ihae-wa gyoyuk bangan yeongu” (Understanding and Teaching Resistant Poems of Yun Dong-ju). Hanguk sihak yeongu (Korean Poetics Studies) 18.


Kim, Shin Jung. 2009. “Ilbon sahoe-wa Yun Dong-ju-ui gieok” (The Memory of Yun Dong-ju in the Japanese Society). Hanguk munhak iron-gwa bipyeong (Korean Literary Theory and Criticism) 43 (June).


Kinoshita, Nagahiro 木下長宏, Mitsuhiro Inukai 犬養光博, et al. 1998. “Yun Dongju- ron-eul wihan negae-ui dansang” (The Four Poetry for Yun Dong-ju). In Ilbon jiseongindeul saranghaneun Yun Dong-ju (Yun Dong-ju, the Most Beloved Poet by Japanese Intellectuals), translated by Ko Keyeong. Seoul: Minyedang. Originally published as 『死ぬ日まで天を仰ぎ: キリスト者詩 人尹東柱』(Tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Shuppan Kyoku, 1995).


Kontani, Nobuko 紺谷延子, Naoki Mizuno 水野直樹, and Ikuo Anzai .2011. 「詩人尹東柱記憶と和解の碑建立運動の現と開示裁判資料の意味」(Japanesecitizen’s Movement to Build a Monument of Korean Poet Yun Dong-juWho Died in Prison during the Wartime against Japan and the Significanceof Rediscovery of the Text of Sentence). 『立命館平和硏究』(PeaceStudy of Ritsumeikan University) 12: 11-25.


Kwon, Cheol. 2006. Jungguk joseon minjok munhak: geunhyeondae pyeon(Chinese Koreans’ Ethnic Literature in Modern and Contemporary Era).Paju: Korean Studies Information.


Lee, Soo-Kyeong. 2010. 「平和主義者山本宣治と中西伊之助: 尹東柱がした追憶と平和の記憶より」(Senji Yamamoto and Inosuke Nakanishi: Two Pacifists WhoWere Brought Up in Uji: Memory of the Peace that Yun Dong-ju Left).『立命館産業社會論集』(Ritsumeikan Review of Industrial Society) 46.1 (June):105-122.


Liang, Mei Shun 榮美順. 2009. 「尹東柱作品的數散硏究」(An Approach of ‘Diaspora’ in the Yun Dong-ju’s Works). Master’s thesis, Yanbian University.


Lim, Yeon. 1993. “Gohyang-i naeun siin, Yun Dong-ju” (Yun Dong-ju Born from Yanji, Hometown). Munye undong (Literary Movement) 49: 18-27.


McCann, David. 2004. The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press.


Meng, Ying 孟穎. 2011. 「對尹東柱詩中所體現的故鄕意識的考察」(Studies on Consciousness of Hometown Represented in Yun’s Poetry). 『華章』(Magnificent Writing) 34.


Morita, Susumu 森田進, Mitsuhiro Inugai 養光博, et al. 1998. “Yun Dong-ju, geu gidokkyo jeongsin” (Yun Dong-ju, His Christian Spirit). In Ilbon jiseongindeul- i saranghaneun Yun Dong-ju (Yun Dong-ju, the Most Beloved Poet by Japanese Intellectuals), translated by Ko Keyeong. Seoul: Minyedang. Originally published as 『死ぬ日まで天を仰ぎ: キリスト者詩人尹東柱』(Tokyo: Nihon Kirisuto Kyodan Shuppan Kyoku, 1995).


Morita, Susumu 森田進, Mitsuhiro Inugai 養光博, et al_. 2005. 「尹東柱の位置と再評—東アジアが生んだ倫理的な情詩人」(The Position and Re-evaluation of Yun Dong-ju: An Ethical, Lyric Poet Born from East Asia). 『福音と世界』(World of Lyricism) (February).


Oh, Saeyoung. 1995. “Yun Dong-ju-ui si-neun jeohangsi-inga” (Yun Dong-ju’s Poems Are Resistant Ones?). In Yun Dong-ju yeongu (A Study of Yun Dong-ju), edited by Kwon Yeong-Min. Seoul: Moonji Publishing.


Omura, Masuo 大村益夫. 2001. Yun Dong-ju-wa hanguk munhak (Yun Dong-ju and Korean Literature). Seoul: Somyong Press.


Saegusa, Toshikatsu 三枝壽勝. 2000. Saegusa gyosu-ui hanguk munhak yeongu(Professor Saegusa’s Korean Literature Study). Translated by Shim Won-Seop. Seoul: Bettlebook.


Sakamoto, Yoshikazu 坂本義和. 2010. “21 segi-e dongasia-ga ganneun uimi”(The Meaning of East Asia Community in the 21st Century). In Gyochahaneuntekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia), edited byChoi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Sheng, Hui 盛輝. 2007. 「詩人尹東柱和他的《序詩》」(Poet Yun Dong-ju and His Poem“Foreword”). 『吉林華僑外國語學院學报』(Journal of Jillin Huaqiao ForeignLanguages Institute) (February).


Sun, Ge 孫歌. 2003. Asia-raneun sayu gonggan (Asia, Space for Thinking). Translated by Ryu Joon-Pil. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Sun, Ge 孫歌. 2010. “Naha-eseo sanghai-ro: Lu Xun-gwa Takeuchi Yoshimi saieso”(From Naha to Shanghai: Between Lu Xun and Takeuchi Yoshimi).In Gyocha-haneun tekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia),edited by Choi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Ueno, Jun 上野潤. 1997. 「尹東柱論-その後期詩編を中心に」(Focusing on the late poetry). In 『星うたう詩人: 尹東柱の詩と硏究』(The Study of Yun Dong-ju: A Poet Singing Stars). Tokyo: Sangokan.


Yang, Dong-kook. 2009. “Ibaraki Noriko-wa hanguk” (Noriko Ibaraki and Korea). Ilboneo gyoyuk (Japanese Education) 49.


Yim, Choon-Sung. 2010. “Dongasia-ui jeongcheseong hyeongseong, jangae-wa chulgu” (Finding Identities of East Asia: Obstacles and Breakthrough). In Gyocha-haneun tekseuteu, dongasia (The Intercrossed Text, East Asia), edited by Choi Won-Sik et al. Paju: Changbi Publishing.


Yoon, Yeo-Il. 2010. “Dongasia-raneun mureum” (East Asia as a Question). Hwanghae munhwa (Hwanghae Culture) 69.


Yun, Dong-ju. 1984. 『空と風と星と詩: 尹東柱全詩集』(Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poems). Translated by Ibuki Ko 伊吹鄕. Tokyo: Kageshobo.


Yun, Dong-ju. 2004. 『空と風と星と詩: 尹東柱詩集』(Sky, Wind, Stars, and Poems). Translated by Kim Si-Jong. Osaka: Mozukosha.


Yu, Jiang. 2010. “Hanjung sugyo-wa jungguk joseonjok munhak” (Diplomatic Normalization between Korea and China and Korean Chinese Literature). Bipyeong munhak (Literary Criticism) 36.


Zhang, Chun Zhi 張春植. 2010. 「與星對話: 朝鮮族現代詩人尹東柱與他的詩」(A Conversation with Stars: Contemporary Poet Yun Dong-ju in Korean Chinese Ethnic Group and His Poetry World). 『民族文學硏究』(Studies of Ethnic Literature) (April).

Korea Journal