open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study attempted to explore the relation between self-concept and mental health. To begin with, tools to measure the concepts ware performed and subfactors from each tools were extracted through factor analysis. These extracted factors were regarded as newly-made variables and CCA (canonical Correlation analysis) was performed regarding the sub-factors of self-concept as predictor variables and those of psychopathological symptoms as criterion variables. CCA result between subfactors of self-concept and those of psyhcopathological symptoms was summerized. First, persons who perceived themselves to show the lackness in social ability and problem solving were related with social anxiety, depression, and psycosomatic symptoms. Second, Persons who perceived themselves to have poor health and dissatisfaction of family life were related with psychosomatic symptoms. Third, persons who were social but didn't meet the expectation of their families, couldn't control their mind, and had difficulty in problem solving were related with depression, insomnia, and nervousness. Fourth, persons who perceived themselves to speak vulgarly and have dissatiafaction of family life were related with impulse and guilty.