open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study investigated the psychometric characteristics of the alcoholism scale. From the item analysis of 153 restandardization samples, 49 items(NAL) were extracted as more valid items among the original 69 items. The NAL was administered to 66 alcoholics and 66 normal adults. The results were found to have relatively high internal consistency of the scale(split-half reliability, α coefficient and test-retest reliability). Most items of the scale showed good validity index. The means of the scale of the alcoholics were significantly higher than those of normal adults, and the optimal cut-off score of the scale was 16 points. The corelation between NAL and AST was significant. Five factors were extracted as a result of the factor analysis based on NAL. The extracted 5 factors were : psychological unstability & physical discomfort, cognitive impairments, social introversion & lack of self-confidence, family discord & projection, and drinking factors. Finally we discussed the considerations for the diagnosis, screening, and limitations of this study.