open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was designed to investigate performance on implicit and explicit memory tasks in schizophrenia. Tasks included the cued recall test as explicit task and the word stem completion test as implicit task under the two conditions(unrelated word condition vs related word condition). And then, analyses were done on scores of cued recall test, word stem completion test under the two conditions. The results were that schizophrenic patients showed impaired performance on both the explicit and implicit memory tasks under the two conditions. Many previous studies showed that amnesic patients who showed deficits on explicit memory task did not show impaired performance on implicit memory task in comparison with normals. It is clear that abnormalities in attention, arousal and motivation are present in schizophrenia. However, the results of this study suggest that it may be necessary to reconsider the implications of the brain structual or physiological abnormalities in schizophrenic's memory deficit.