open access
메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
As a standardization of the K-CVLT (Korean version of the California Verbal Learning Test: Kim & Kang, 1994), the present study examined the K-CVLT performances of 357 neurologically intact individuals (181 men and 176 women) who were selected by stratified sampling reflecting the recent Korean census data in terms of major demographic variables, such as gender, age, and education. Normative data were developed on the 22 memory indices seperately for gender and age group. The present study also replicated our previous work which had confirmed the reliability and the validity of the K-CVLT (Kim & Kang, 1994). The estimate of split-half reliability using the Spearman-Brown formula was .97. The validity of the K-CVLT was reconfirmed from the results of factor-analysis on the 19 K-CVLT variables, yielding 6 factors of general verbal learning ability, response discriminability, proactive interference effect, serial position effect, retroactive interference effect, and learning rate. The present result of factor analysis is also consistent with the original factor analytic study of the CVLT. The present results indicate that the K-CVLT is a useful tool for qualitatively assessing a complex cognitive function of verbal memory comprising multiple processes and parameters. We believe that our normative data on the K-CVLT`s various memory indices will be used widely in many fields, such as clinical neuropsychology, experimental cognitive psychology, and neuroscience.