open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the effect of a brief Cognitive-Behavioral Group Treatment(CBGT) for college students with Drinking problems. The is that CBGT group will have more difference scores on SADQ, CDSE, DBQ, and BDI than the control group. Subjects were screened with the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test(MAST) and Problem Drinking Questionnaire(PDQ). The CBGT group consisted of 4 subjects and the control group consisted of 7 Subjects. Before the treatments begin, both groups were given the SADQ, CDSE, DBQ, BDI Questionnaires. The control group were provide information about alcohol effects. They were encouraged to monitor their alcohol intake daily. However, they were not information on strategies to reduce the amount of drinking. The CBGT subjects were asked to record situations in which they drank alcohol and negative and positive effects of alcohol, and they were asked to record strategies to control drinking and problem solving. Group differences between the CBGT condition and the control condition on the dependent measures were tested by Mann-Whitney U-Test and Wilcoxon T-Test. Within-group differences between the pre-tests and the post-tests were also examined the same nonparametric. The statistical have shown that only the SADQ scores and CDSE scores between the CBGT group and the control group were statistically significant. This result indicated that CBGT reduced alcohol dependency and increased confidence in controlling alcohol intake in common high-risk situation. As a case example, one subject showing the most improvement in CBGT was described in this study. Also the reasons for nonsignificant results were suggested and the limitations of the present study were discussed. Some for the future research were proposed.