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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
With the recent surge of interest in mindfulness, there is an increased need for the development and validation of assessment tools for mindfulness. This article presents three studies examining the psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Cognitive and Affective Mindfulness Scale-Revised (CAMS-R), a brief self-report measure of mindfulness that captures the breadth of the construct. In Study 1, 764 undergraduate students completing the Korean version of the CAMS-R(K-CAMS-R) were randomly split into two subsamples. Using confirmatory factor analyses(CFAs), both a hierarchical 4-factor model and a correlated 4-factor model reported in previous study of the 12-item CAMS-R demonstrated a poor fit to the data of split sample 1. Then, exploratory factor analyses of the 10-item K-CAMS-R revealed a three-factor solution - “awareness,” “attention,” and “acceptance”. A subsequent CFA indicated that the hierarchical three-factor model with the correlated error between two items freely estimated provided an adequate fit to the data of split sample 2. The K-CAMS-R demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and test-retest reliability over a two-week period. Study 2 found that the K-CAMS-R was correlated in expected ways with several other constructs and had good incremental validity in the prediction of the indices of mental health in a sample of undergraduates(n=219). In Study 3, significant changes in levels of depression and positive affect were reported in a sample of 17 undergraduate or graduate students after completing the Korean version of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program(K-MBSR). The K-CAMS-R total and 3 subscales demonstrated sensitivity to change following the K-MBSR. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the K-CAMS-R is a reliable, valid instrument for assessing mindfulness.
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