open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The present study is to examine the clinical validity of MMPI, KWIS, Rorschach test and test battery consisted of these 3 tests. The sample in this study was a group of 210 subjects, 165 high school sophomores in Seoul area and 45 adolescent psychiatric patients in Hanyang university hospial. Tests were administered and analized by 8 psychologist-2 qualified psychologists and 6 master level trainees with a minimum of 1 year psychodiagnostic training. Clinical diagnoses were performed by 7 psychiatrists-2 psychitric specialists and 5 residents with at least 2 year residency training. In order to get validation measure, contigency coefficient was calculated and significance test was done with Chi square method. The results were as followings. 1. As concurrent validities among tests, contingency coefficients of MMPIS with KWIS and Rorschach were negligibly low as 0.43 and 0.48, where as that of KWIS against Rorschach was significantly high as 0. 73. In addition, those of MMPI, KWIS and Rorschach against test battery were 0.46, 0.84 and 0.8 respectively. 2. Against the criterion of clinical diagnoses, validity coefficients of MMPI, KWIS, Rorschach and test battery appeared to be significantlyh ig has 0.49, 0.65, 0.65 and 0.74 respectively. From these data, it was strongly sueggested that not only each test in this study possibly had a different function to contribute diagnostic judgement of test battery, but also the test battery appeared to be most effective procedure for clinical diagnosis.