open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
In this study, attempts were made to evaluate clearly the nature of the concept of ego-strength, to construct the more valid scale of ego-strength in terms of item analysis of the existing ego-strength scale, which enable to differentiate among diagnostic groups and to measure the outcome and the improvement of counseling or psychotherapy, and to examine the possibility of measuring the ego-strength in terms of the use of the short form (383 items) of MMPI. For this purpose, three groups of students were used; ① self-referred counselees who aware of their inner conflicts and problems in personality area and consulted a counselor, ② normals(S), who, they felt, had severe personalily problems, bu tneeded not to consult a counselor, ③ normals(N), who regarded their personality problems as trivial. The findings of this study were as follows: ① Ego strength suggested the strong motivations and latent potentialities or forces in which they aware of their inner conflicts and tried to read just themselves with the professional help and indicated the defensiveness. ② 42 items were drawned from item analysis, two of which were reversed in the direction of the scoring. The result of item analysis showed that 42 items functioned better in the direction or differentiating normals and abnormals than 68 full items. ③ High correlation between first 46 items included in the short form (383 items) of MMPI and 68 full items suggest the possibility of the use of the MMPI short form, in measuring the ego-strength.