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This study attempted to verify the factor structure of the Korean Version of Interpersonal Problems Personality Disorder Scales(K-IIP-PD) by applying a confirmatory factor analysis to psychiatric patients. To evaluate the goodness of fit of three alternative models taken from factor structures which had been previously reported. the confirmatory factor analysis was carried out on the K-IIP-PD with respect to a group of 239 patients. As a result, it was found that the model with five first-order intercorrelated factor was the best fit for the data. This result differed from previous US-based studies which had reported that a hierarchical model with 1 second-order factor and 5 first-order factors was the best fit. Unlike the US-based studies, potential factors representing character disorders were not found here: however it seems that the model will be useful in sorting character disorders in ‘Stage 1’, and its utility will be further developed in measuring the level of character disorders by modifying items in the future.
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