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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to explore the temporal developmental relationship of adolescents' depression and delinquency and to examine gender difference with respect to this relationship. A total of 1,418 middle school students completed self-report questionnaires three times at six-month interval. An autoregressive cross-lagged model was analyzed and multiple group analysis was executed across gender. The results showed a significant gender difference in the developmental relationship between depression and delinquency. Specifically, for males, time 2 delinquency had a significant effect on time 3 depression, suggesting an unidirectional relationship. However, for females, time 1 depression had a significant effect on time 2 delinquency and this, in turn, had a significant effect on time 3 depression, suggesting a bidirectional relationship. The results of this study implied that a co-developmental process of depression and delinquency varied by gender. This fact should be carefully considered when preparing for clinical interventions targeting comorbidity. The limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for further research.
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