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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between bulimia nervosa and impulsiveness, and explored attention deficits according to the impulsiveness of the binge eating disorder-prone group and non-binge eating group. We used the Bulimia Nervosa Test-Revised(BULIT-R), Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Ⅱ(BIS-Ⅱ), Continuous Performance Test(CPT), and the Change Blindness Test to investigate attention deficits in the binge eating disorder-prone group. Participants were university students. As results, there were significant group differences in SD, ommision error, and commission error on CPT; however, there were no significant group differences when the impulsivity was entered as a covariate variable. Furthermore, there was a significant group difference in reaction time on Change Blindness Tests, even when the impulsivity was entered as a covariate. Therefore, the binge eating group was shown to be impulsive and had deficits in inhibition compared to the control group. In addition, the results of CPT were affected by the impulsivity, while the results of Change Blindness Test were not. In conclusion, this study confirmed attention deficits in the binge eating disorder-prone group according to the impulsivity using Continuous Performance Test(CPT) and Change Blindness Test. Finally implications and limitations of the present study were dicussed, and suggestions for future study were addressed.
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