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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study examined the chronic psychiatric symptom status of those who survived the Yeoncheon Guard Post(GP) shootings which occurred in June, 2005. In addition, we looked into the individual differences of maladjustment according to stress coping style and internal/external control loci. Further, we proposed the need for treatment programs to improve adaptation functions. Subjects included 19 survivors. A self-reporting questionnaire was carried out and semi-structured one-on-one interviews were carried out from June to August, 2009. Study results indicated that 63.2% of the survivors experienced diagnosable PTSD. Further, 57.8% of them had severe depression and 68.4% exhibited severe anxiety. The results of a correlation analysis among psychiatric symptoms, stress coping style and internal/external control loci demonstrated that survivors who used passive coping styles had more severe symptoms than those who used active coping styles. Additionally, when there were many external control loci, symptoms of depression and anxiety were more severe. Results suggest that traumatic experiences during military services can progress into chronic PTSD and victims' personal lives can have a destructive influence. Results also indicate that stress coping style and internal/external control loci are important factors for adaptive function with regard to post-traumatic experiences. Finally, in order to improve the adaptability of soldiers who have experienced trumatic events. we strongly suggested intervention involving educational and therapeutic strategies.
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