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This study aimed to identify the assessment value of projective drawing tests in determining probability of child sexual abuse. To accomplish this, we compared Van Hutton's quantitative drawing scores(preoccu- pation with sexually relevant concepts: SRC, aggression and hostility: AH, withdrawal and guarded accessibility: WGA, alertness for danger, suspiciousness, and lack of trust: ADST) in a single sexual abuse group (n=31), a multiple sexual abuse group (n=33), an alleged sexual abuse with no evidence group (n=30), and a clinical group with no history of sexual abuse (n=64). Results indicated that, there were no group differences in SRC, AH, and ADST. However, the clinical group had significantly higher scores than the others with respect to WGA. Drawings of genitals, breasts, or anuses were not observed in any group. The implications of the findings and limitations of the current study as well as recommendations for future study have been discussed.
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