open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine the diagnostic ability of K-scale, one of the most popular Internet addiction scale in Korea, as a diagnostic tool for DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). This study aimed to compare the diagnostic ability of the full version of K-scale with the symptom subscales of K-scale and to establish the optimal cut-off points of the K-scale. A total of 274 adolescents were interviewed with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder and administered questionnaires (K-scale, Brief symptom Inventory, Zukerman-Kuhnman Personality Questionnaire, Parent- Child Communication Scale, and Emotion Modulation Scale). Addictionally, 133 middle school students were administered self-report questionnaires. Results indicated that the symptom subscales of K-scale was more effective in diagnosing IGD than the full version of K-scale. In detail, the diagnostic (60/61 point) cut-off points of symptom K scale, which showed the higher diagnostic accuracy, classifying 60.0% and 88.5% of participants correctly, was used to select the case group. It was demonstrated that the case group was found to be significantly different from the non-case group on the gaming activity patterns and the psycho-social variables, suggesting that the cut-off point can identify IGD group efficiently. The limitations and implications were discussed.
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