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The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of early maladaptive schema and emotional experiences in juvenile delinquents with borderline personality trait. The subjects of this study were 180 juvenile delinquents sampled from the Probation Offices and the Juvenile Misdemeanors Prevention Centers in D Metropolitan City and A City in Gyeonggi‐do, and data were collected through a self‐reporting survey using questionnaires on early maladaptive schema, emotional intensity, emotional awareness, and emotion regulation. The subjects were divided into two groups using the PAI‐BOR scale, and 56 of them were classified into the group of borderline personality trait. When the two groups were compared, the juvenile delinquents with borderline personality trait showed higher scores than those without in impaired autonomy and performance of early maladaptive schema, other‐centeredness, overvigilance and inhibition schema, and impaired limits. In addition, the former showed higher positive/negative emotional intensity than the latter. According to the results of discriminant analysis (stepwise) for finding factors discriminating the two groups, the discriminant function consisting of ‘negative emotional intensity,’ ‘overvigilance and inhibition schema,’ and ‘positive emotion’ showed a discriminative value of 89.45%. These results show that delinquent adolescents with borderline personality trait tend to exaggerate their positive and negative emotions more than ordinary delinquent adolescents, and suggest that they have the characteristics of overvigilance and inhibition schema. Lastly, the implications of this study and suggestions for future studies were presented.
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