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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The purpose of this study was to examine psychological health of smartphone addiction risk group of college students and effects of feedback intervention on risk of smartphone addiction. For this purpose, first, psychological health status was measured using various questionnaires and Delay Discounting Task and compared with normal user group. Second, after experiment group used a manual feedback program, application of a smartphone that shows smartphone usage time and frequencies when it is directly touched and implemented, the question of whether smartphone usage was decreased compared with the control group was examined. Third, the same experiment was performed using a smartphone application that shows smartphone usage time and frequencies by automatic pop-up messages. In the results, smartphone addiction risk group of college students showed negative results in all the areas of psychological health measured in the study. In addition, the manual feedback program has no effect on decreasing smartphone usage. The automatic feedback program is helpful in decreasing smartphone usage time for 2 weeks after using the program.
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