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Among the recently proposed psychological theories of bipolar disorder, the behavioral activation system (BAS) model is considered as one of the most promising working models. Although the BAS model of bipolar disorder received extensive empirical support in Western countries, the applicability of this model in different cultures remains untested. As a preliminary step to test its applicability in Korea, the main objective of this study is twofold. First, we attempted to investigate whether BAS sensitivity is elevated in Korean high-risk group with hypomanic personality. Second, we tested whether BAS sensitivity is a significant predictor of mood symptoms in conjunction with behavioral inhibition system (BIS) sensitivity. The results showed that the level of BAS sensitivity was heightened in the undergraduate high-risk group defined as those in the upper decile of the Hypomanic Personality Scale. In regression analyses, high BAS and low BIS sensitivities contributed to more (hypo)manic symptoms, thereby confirming the assumption that (hypo) mania reflects BAS hyperactivation and failure of BIS inhibition. Conversely, low BAS and high BIS sensitivities predicted more depressive symptoms, suggesting that BAS deactivation corresponds to depression.
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