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메뉴E-ISSN : 2733-4538
The current research was conducted to examine the efficacy of a mindfulness-based intervention for reducing smartphone overuse and functional impairment and improving mental health among undergraduate students at risk for smartphone addiction. Moreover, to shed light on its mechanism of action, we proposed self-regulation as a potential mediator of treatment efficacy, based on literature review. Of the undergraduate students who agreed to participate in the study, 40 participants who were classified as being at-risk, based on the Smartphone Addiction Scale, were assigned to one of two conditions: mindfulness- based intervention (n=21) and stress management education (n=19). Both the interventions consisted of four 90-minute weekly sessions. Compared to the participants in the stress management education group, those in the mindfulness-based intervention group demonstrated a decrease in smartphone overuse, depression and stress symptoms, functional impairment, as well as an increase in mental well-being and self-regulation. Moreover, improvement in self-regulation partially mediated the efficacy of the mindfulness-based intervention on smartphone overuse and functional impairment, and also fully mediated its efficacy on stress symptoms. These results suggest that mindfulness-based meditation is a useful intervention for reducing smartphone overuse and functional impairment and improving mental health among undergraduate students at risk for smartphone addiction, and that its efficacy may be mediated through an increase in self-regulation.
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