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The Relationship between Positive Future Thinking and Suicidal Ideation in Depressed College Students


The present study examined whether positive future thinking would have a significant unique impact on suicidal ideation independently from negative future thinking, depression and hopelessness in depressed college students by using Future Thinking Task. Additionally, the relationships among the content, specificity, category variety of positive future thinking and suicidal ideation were examined. Sixty-four self-reported depressed college students completed the CES-D, Korean version of Beck's hopelessness Scale (K-BHS) and Suicidal Ideation Scale (SIQ) in advance. They were asked to generate future expectancies using a Future Thinking Task, and their capacity to describe positive future expectations specifically was also assessed. Positive future thinking was independently associated with suicidal ideation. In addition, low levels of interpersonal and high levels of intrapersonal future thinking were correlated with suicidal ideation. The specificity of positive future thinking was negatively correlated with suicidal ideation. The results were discussed in terms of theoretical and clinical implications.

미래에 대한 생각, 미래 사고 과제, 자살사고, 우울, future thought, future thinking task, suicidal ideation, depression



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