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E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was conducted to distinguish “daily depression,” a depression that most normal people tend to experience naturally, from “dysfunctional depression (including clinical depression),” and to verify the validity of a new structural model in which daily depression precedes the occurrence of clinical depression. To examine our hypothesis, a survey was conducted of 440 adult men and women throughout Korea, excluding Jeju Island. We verified a relationship model with stress perception, socio-economic status, and social support as predictors of normal depression, showing that 1) the overall fit measures of our model of the relationship of predictors with normal depression and dysfunctional depression and of the relationship between normal depression and dysfunctional depression were good, consistent with our hypothesis that causal factors such as stress, socioeconomic status, and social support also predict normal depression, and 2) these preceding variables affect dysfunctional depression directly and indirectly. This study confirmed the possibility that normal depression could be a new concept for predicting the occurrence of epidemiological depression, and the introduction of this concept could also help improve the perception of depression patients in our society. It is also meaningful as a rare attempt to understand mental disorder from a psychologist’s point of view.
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