open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study aimed to confirm the KWIS subtest scatter pattern for psychotic patients in Korea. Subjects were 78 psychotic and 80 neurotic patients who were hospitalized in or visited as outpatients the Seoul National University Hospital during the period from the March of 1985 to the December of 1990. No significant difference was found between the two groups in sex ratio, age or education level. Results were found that psychotic patients had statistically significant difference between VIQ and PIQ and greater scatter among subtests compared with neurotic patients. Psychotics had high scores on Information and Digit Span subtests while low scores on Picture Completion and Object Assembly subtests. Cluster analysis revealed that a difference between psychotic and neurotic patients existed in the subtest scatter pattern when their IQ's belonged to the average level but no such difference was found when their IQ belonged to the above average level or higher. These results were discussed in regard to the cognitive characteristics of psychotic patients including the limitation of this study.