open access
E-ISSN : 2733-4538
This study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the HABGT psychopathology scale and the configurational approach. The subject groups, matched for age and educational level, consisted of following ; the patients with organic mental disorder(N=51), all of them were selected on the basis clinically verified neurological examination, such as EEG and/or brain CT ; the chronic inpatient schizophrenics(N=51) ; and the neurotic patients(N=51), most of them had somatization or anxiety. The reproduction of the HABGT cards was scored by two scorers. The correlation of the total scores on the psychopathology scale for two scorers for 47 patients was .94. The results showed that the psychopathology scale was able to differentiate organics from nonorganics, that is schizophrenics and neurotics. The configurational approach was not to achieve satisfactory accuracy in seperationg three groups. Inconsistent with the previous findings, the correlation between IQ and the total score on the psychopathology scale was significantly high, r=-.61. The probable reasons for these incosistent findings were discussed.