The purpose of this study is to induce the activation of public libraries in community through make use of public libraries as a plan for accomplishing regional informatization which based on regionalization and informatization. To acquire the twin goal of regional informatization and activation of public libraries, I propose a strategic plan which makes use of regional public libraries as an infrastructure of educating informatization and community-network concept. Especially those plans would cover recent background issues of super-national interest in rural welfare & development venture.攀***본 논문은 윤구호교수정년 기념논문집 수록논문을 전개 보완한 것임.*** 전주대학교 사회과학부 문헌정보학전공 교수( 논문접수일자 : 2004년 7월 23일 게재확정일자 : 2004년 9월 18일攀攀
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