Even though the overall scholarly community has recognized a dramatic growth and changes in the Information Science research in Korea over the last few decades, there are still only few studies that have identified the changes in terms of long-term and dynamic point of view. We have analyzed 1,007 IS-research articles from leading Korean journals in KCI (Korea Citation Index), published between 2000 and 2011. To discern the trendline of changes in research interests over time, we conducted a time-series analysis by developing grounded subject scheme from the article set and checking the growth rate of the number of published articles and title keywords. A comparative analysis was also conducted by constructing and comparing co-word maps over time to discover visible changes in research topics over this 12-year period of the IS-research in Korea. As a result, we identified some developments and transformations in major subject areas and knowledge structure of the IS-research in Korea over time. The major trend we discovered is that IS-studies over the 12-year period evolved from system-oriented research to library-application research. The changes are especially observed in knowledge management, Web-based system evaluation, and information retrieval areas. When compared to the results of other studies, the result of our study may serve as an evidence of the localization of Korean IS-studies in the first decade of the 21st century.
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