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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


기관리포지터리 수용모형 연구: 과학분야 연구자를 중심으로

The Adoption Model of Institutional Repositories: Which Constructs Attract Scientists to Share Their Research Outputs?

정보관리학회지 / Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, (P)1013-0799; (E)2586-2073
2017, v.34 no.2, pp.47-80
황혜경 (한국과학기술정보연구원)
이지연 (연세대학교)


The purpose of this study is to develop an adoptive model of institutional repositories (IRs) by identifying the key factors affecting adoptive intention of IRs and explaining the relations among these factors. Through a survey of 270 researchers and 12 in-depth interviews in the field of physics, mathematics, and life science in Korea, performance expectancy, perceived risks, socio-organizational influence, and individual characteristics were found to have substantial influences on the adoptive intention of IRs. Among the key factors, individual characteristics showed the greatest effect on the adoptive intention of IRs, followed by performance expectancy and other socio-organizational influences except for the perceived risks. Strategies to enhance the adoptive intention of IRs based on analyses of the results were suggested, in terms of the reformation of research assessment system at the national level, strengthening of role of the operational institution, and the need for voluntary scientists-participating service.

기관리포지터리, 지식공유, 오픈액세스, 통합기술수용이론, 수용모델, institutional repository, knowledge sharing, open access, unified theory of acceptance and use of technology(UTAUT), adoption model



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