- P-ISSN 2233-4203
- E-ISSN 2093-8950
Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry is widely employed in proteomics studies. One of such instruments is the Liquid Chromatography (LC)-Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation (MALDI)-Time of flight (TOF) or LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF. In this study, this instrument was used to identify the membrane proteins of a protozoan parasite namely Entamoeba histo-lytica. It causes amoebiasis in human. The E. histolytica trophozoites were cultured prior to the membrane protein extraction using the conventional method, ProteoPrep® and ProteoExtract® kits. Then, the membrane protein extracts were tryptic- digested and analysed by LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF. Approximately, 194 proteins were identified and 27.8% (54) were predicted as membrane proteins having 1 to 15 transmembrane regions and signal peptides by combining all three extraction methods. Also, this study has discovered 3 unique proteins as compared to our previous study which merit further investigation.
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